| by Engr. Neaz Morshed | No comments

How the cannabis industry evolved in the last 15 years

Cannabis industry in America was very different ten years ago to what it is now. We’ll discuss the evolution of the cannabis industry in the past decade also to take glance into the future.

Doubts on legalizing cannabis

In the year 2000, cannabis legality was obscure. In 2009 when US Attorney General Eric Holder, stopped the raids of cannabis dispensaries then the American cannabis industry took a breather from its tense security. Then the Obama government began with a clear purpose of releasing the belt on state-legal cannabis operations. This drove up the sureness of the cannabis industry. The Rohrabacher-Farr Amendment was passed in Congress in 2014. The modification enhanced the defense for the cannabis industry as it empowered legal cannabis states to make their own cannabis regulations. In 2018, under the Trump government, US Attorney General William Barr was strong on his attitude to not shutdown on cannabis businesses. Barr’s place about the cannabis business opposed that of earlier US Attorney General Jeff Sessions of whom he replaced.

The foreseeable contagion of legal, medical marijuana

The growing support from the people and the government led to the widespread acceptance of cannabis authorization. There were only 13 states in the US, A few years back with a clear medical cannabis program. Over 33 states in the US have them now. The increase of medical cannabis trend could be even bigger in the future.

The evolution of recreational cannabis over the last decade

In 2012, Washington and Colorado were able to legalize recreational marijuana. After that double win, Oregon, Nevada, California and Massachusetts trailed shortly. As of now, ten states in America fully legalized recreational cannabis. The recreational cannabis legalization in the states generated surprising consequences. One, it leveraged the possessions value of the neighborhood. Then, the number of teenagers engaging in recreational cannabis didn’t violently go up. And then finally, the profits came from the cannabis business’ tax assisted the communal by giving out academic scholarships, creating programs for the homeless and building roads, etc.

The cannabis industry innovation

The cannabis industry flourishes as usual in the American market because of its innovative solutions. Most states with legalized medical cannabis have default testing workers to regulate the safety of cannabis products. Also, technology and cannabis usage combined as the cannabis industry matures. Things like vapes, pens, pre-rolled joints, became popular in the market recently.

The changing appearance of the cannabis industry

People’s observation of cannabis changed the complete cannabis industry. Cannabis wasn’t just supposed as a recreational cause. It just using as a supplement, medical agent, and drug. 44 percent of the nation’s voters were in approval of marijuana legalization in 2009 as the majority of the voters didn’t think that cannabis is suitable for legalization. But in last 2019, the majority of the voters were in acceptance of legalizing countrywide recreational cannabis. Obviously, there’s a move in how cannabis is perceived. Undeniably, the cannabis industry had a radical renovation. The support of the American public to the industry positive that nationwide medical and recreational cannabis legalization in America is not so far ahead.