| by Engr. Neaz Morshed | No comments

What country is the most cannabis friendly


Uruguay’s laws around the use of marijuana will become more surrounding, letting for government control over the whole industry. With an effort to restriction traffickers, the country legitimate the sale, distribution and cultivation of cannabis. Uruguay also plans to begin to sell it for $1 a gram.


The Netherlands, and Amsterdam in particular, have long been considered a hotspot for marijuana use, and “coffee shops” that sell weed are incredibly common. Though it is illegal to sell to tourists (in an effort to prevent it from being brought back to foreign countries where it remains illegal), marijuana use is still incredibly prominent.


As we all know in Switzerland, marijuana is legalized, it’s only the minimum penalty is required for possession and personal use, despite the amount.Even further, the Switzerland government decided in January 2012 that each person would be able to grow and grown up to four plants for personal use, in an effort to cut down illegitimate trafficking. The result has been considered equitably effective.


Yet, selling cannabis remains against the law in Spain, the country legalized the cultivation of the cannabis plants for individual use, so long as it is consumed by adults in private zones. Selling, possessing, buying, or consuming cannabis in public locations is legalized. That mean the penalty is just a small amount of fine and confiscation.


Since 2007, cannabis has been legalized in Chile. It allow for slight punishment for the personal consumption, cultivation and possession of the drug in private locations. It’s still very usual to find marijuana in many of the country’s bars and seashores, despite the “private” stipulation.

Czech Republic

In the Czech Republic, the possession of up-to-15 grams of marijuana or the cultivation of up to five plants (all for personal use only) is allowed like many other countries. since April 2013, Medical marijuana has also been authorized, and it’s not unusual to find many people smoking pot in bars and other public spots..

New Zealand

In Newzeland marijuana is still illegal. But more than 13% of people ages 16 to 64 say they partake. They steep fines and short time prison time has been slapped on illegal possessors but thay are taking recent steps to relax these laws which have been introduced.


Argentina is practically on the verge of legalizing marijuana, perhaps it’s the effect of nearby Uruguay and Peru. The country’s anti-drug czar called for a practical discussion on the matter at the end of 2013. Argentina’s Supreme Court led that it is illegal to legislate personal lifestyle decisions, consequently public intake and possession of drugs to a very partial degree is acceptable. Every year there are two Argentine Cannabis Cups where thousands of cultivators display their loot.


Pakistan is known to treat the herb with spiritual admiration, though it’s not the first preference of travel destination for most marijuana tourist. Pakistan is known to treat the herb with spiritual reverence. Through customary rituals for Sufis and Hindus, cannabis is sometime used to access a state of joy. Because cannabis is one of the world’s biggest growers of the herb. Buying access is very easy marijuana in Pakistan. All over the country, Swaths of the crop are found. And cultivators are rarely worried by the specialists.