Carbon dioxide is used in photosynthesis to make sugars and enzymes.
Oxygen (O)
Oxygen is used to break down sugars and enzymes produced by photosynthesis ( mainly done at night)
Hydrogen (H)
Hydrogen is used during the photosynthesis process. The plant combines water with carbon dioxide releasing a Oxygen molecule.
All the primary nutrients come from air and water. As being a grower there isn’t much along the lines of supplementing, of course we can increase our carbon dioxide with CO2 tanks to help promote faster and bigger growth, or do soil less hydroponics and grow the plants in deep water cultures. But the truth is your plant will grow just fine without all the fancy equipment.
Nitrogen is used to build plant proteins, plants cells such as chlorophyll, and is extremely important for plant growth.
Phosphorus (P)
Phosphorus is used in cell division, development of new tissues, stimulates root growth, is required in photosynthesis, helps transport nutrients, and is responsible for crop maturity
Potassium (K)
Potassium regulates the opening and closing of stomata, activate certain enzyme, helps produces ATP ( Adenosine Triphosphate ), and acts as a phloem solute transport
Macro Nutrients are the nutrients that your plant requires an large amount and can’t live with, if there is a minor imbalance in your soil you could potentially ruin your whole crop/ harvest. These nutrients are so import that when you buy your fertilizers they advertise the dose one the front. (NPK) When you look at fertilizer packaging you will often see numbers in this format (00-00-00) on the packaging, this is telling you how much Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), and Potassium (K) is in the product. All number format on fertilizers would be the same, the first number is (N) the second number would be (P) and the third would be (K). Even though there are more macro nutrients out there manufactures only live the three primary macro nutrients on the cover.
Calcium is uses it to strengthen cell walls, hold cells together, plants metabolism, and activates specific plant enzymes. Improve the absorption of nutrients and helps in their translocation within the plant.
Magnesium ( Mg )
Magnesium is responsible for making chlorophyll, and helps create plant proteins.
Sulfur ( S )
Sulfur is used to create plant proteins, chlorophyll, hormones, and aids in the metabolism of nitrogen.
Don’t let the term secondary fool you. If your plant is missing any of these nutrients your grow won’t last long, all the nutrients listed as secondary tend to play an important role in cell development, and creation of proteins. (Remember your plant would tell you when there’s a deficiency!)
Micro Nutrients
Chlorine ( Cl )
Chlorine is used for regulation of stomata, helps balance nutrient intake, and aids in fungal and disease prevention.
Iron ( Fe )
Iron is used to creates some pigments ( main one is GREEN), metabolism, respiration, and aids in the production of certain enzymes.
Boron is used to strengthen cell walls, cell division, transports sugars, and reproductive growth ( Flowering )
Manganese ( Mn )
Manganese is used for photosynthesis, aids with chlorophyll production, nitrate metabolism, and activate certain enzymes.
Zinc ( Zn )
Zinc is used for certain enzymes and proteins production, and helps create growth hormones
Copper (Cu )
Copper is used to activates certain enzymes, aids in respiration and metabolism of certain proteins.
Molybdenum ( Mo )
Molybdenum is used to convert nitrate and inorganic phosphorus into usable compounds.