Welcome To Cal Okes

With the new legalization laws and companies popping out of the wood works to make a profit or stay of float. You can bet your top dollar that there will be some companies cutting corners just to make money. That’s why Cal Okes recommends growing your own cannabis because the only thing that would leave you unsure is the actual plant genetics. No matter what you do you’ll will have to start by getting plants somewhere and that’s the only thing you’ll be unsure of you’ll be putting everything else in it. 

With growing your own cannabis you control every aspect of producing great quality bud, for example when I’m flowering I typically stop feeding consistently around week 5 and just feed accordingly. Such as if my plants look a little light then I’ll just feed nitrogen or calcium if I have spots and etc… I found by doing that it gives me a better tasting buds and doesn’t smoke harsh, but I also sacrifice a little bit of weight for that smoothness. Everybody grows differently.  


1. You’ll know what chemicals are in your plants.
2. You can cater to your  specific needs. 
3. Cheaper to grow Vs buy.
4. You can grow much better quality.


1. There could be a large learning curve.
2. Initial investment could be high.
3. Time
4. Space 
