| by Engr. Neaz Morshed | No comments

How Cannabis effects on brain

Weed, marijuana, pot, grass. There are so many different names for the same drug that comes from the cannabis plant. You may smoke it, drink it, vape it, or you can eat it.  Most people use marijuana for recreation and pleasure. But most of the doctors suggest it for specific medical conditions and symtoms. Cannabis has mind changing compounds that affect both your body and brain. It can be harmful or addictive to some people’s health.

Marijuana is the most usually abused illegal drug in the United States. It affects judgment, memory, and perception. A dry, stems, leaves, seeds, shredded green or brown mix of flowers from the hemp plant (cannabis sativa), marijuana is commonly smoked. The main psychoactive (affecting the behavior and mind) chemical in marijuana is THC (delta-9- tetrahydrocannabinol). The membranes of firm nerve cells comprise protein receptors that bind to THC. A series of cellular reactions eventually lead to the high that user’s experience.

 Since Weed can affect judgment, its use can lead to dangerous behavior, which results in experience to sexually spread sickness like HIV, the virus which cause AIDS. THC also can inhibit with the usual operative of the hippocampus—the part of the brain that controls knowledge and memory. It can cause problems in treating information and may make it hard to recall things that occurred recently. Decision making and Judgment also can be affected, growing a person’s chances of getting into circumstances where he or she might be at danger or where he or she might put others at danger. 

THC also restricts with the usual functioning of the brain, which provides a person balance and synchronization, and the basal ganglia, that controls movement. Since marijuana can affect coordination and the insight of speed and time, a person’s performance in everything from playing sports to driving may suffer.

Cannabis can make it harder for you to learn, focus, and remember things. This appears to be a short-term effect that lasts for 24 hours or lengthier after you stop having.

But using pot deeply, particularly in your teen years, can leave more enduring effects. Wishing tests with some, but not all. Teenagers found that marijuana may bodily change their brains. Precisely, they had less influences in parts of the brain related to awareness, learning anything, and memory, and tests show lower IQ scores in some people.

The quantity of brain cells killed off by marijuana would also rely on the quantity a person has smoked and their age of use. The consequences of marijuana on the brain generally affect persons under 25 as their brains are still developing.  An investigation of marijuana’s effect on IQ exposed persons who started using pot at a young age lost 6 to 8 points from their IQ by mid age. Furthermore, those who smoked weed during their youth, then stopped having, and did not recover their IQ points. Equally, folks who started using marijuana in their maturity did not suffer any IQ damage.