If you’re new to growing cannabis then cloning cannabis could seem very difficult. Where to cut your plant, how to cut your plants, and why you cut your plants the way you did. Are some of the questions I asked when starting out. So for today I’ll answering those questions in hope to save you time. I’ll be explaining how to clone your cannabis plants and answer those questions as well.
Why Clone Cannabis?
Cutting Cost
Before I learned how to clone cannabis I was buying seeds and clones from other people. Paying between $5- $20 per clone depending on the strain. I wasted countless hours looking for sellers and messaging people just to find certain genetics. I have ordered seeds online but those too were expensive. Then they took a long time to arrive. You could buy cheap seeds without the sex identified and hope for females. (Normally 50% Chance) Or you could buy or make feminized seeds. Buying feminized seeds will run you for about $10+ per seed plus shipping. Making feminized seeds is great, but you still need you first plant.
Guarantee Plant Sex
Nothing beats growing the same plant that you already been growing for the last 6 months. Knowing the sex before you start is a crucial part for a successful grow. Each strain of cannabis grows completely different and requires a different balance of nutrients. When you clone your plants what you’re essentially doing is making a copy of the mother plant you was already growing.
Guarantee Genetics
Just like the sub tittle states clones guarantee genetics. A clone is the same as the mother plant. If the mother grows a certain way then the clones will grow the same way. No need to worry about males no need to worry about bud formation.
How I Clone My Cannabis Plant Easily Explained! ( 7 Step Guide)
Step 1. Figure out where you'll want to cut!
When cloning my cannabis plant I like to typically cut the stems that isn’t getting enough light or from branches that are growing wild and untamed. When I’m cutting my clones I like to only take cuttings from growth that grows outside of my plan. Such as branches that would produce popcorn nugs or that don’t want to grow with my trellis. When taking cuttings I usually look for 5 things.
1) Health of the plant.
2) How big will the cuttings be?
3) Where the new growth is starting to form.
4) How many cuttings can I take?
5) Which method works best?
Step 2. Making The Cut!
Always use a brand new razor when performing cuts. Our goal is to stay as sterile as possible to keep healthier plants. Picking the location to cut is mainly up growers discretion. But I’ll tell you how I pick my location to cut my mothers. I typically like to make my cutting decision based on how I want my mother to grow. For instance if my mother plant is too tall then I’ll take some cuttings from the top and etc….
When making your cut use very little pressure to push down while holding the stem with the other hand. Let the razor blade do all the work!
Step 3. Make A Diagonal Cut
Just like the picture shows you make a Diagonal cut on your stem. The reason your making a diagonal cut is to increase the surface area for your roots to form. The length of the diagonal cut isn’t too important, just make sure that your stem can support the plant.
“Cutting your diagonal cut in half isn’t a must but I like to go the extra mile for my roots”
Step 5. Cloning Gel
Now we are almost done! At this point you should have a cutting that is ready to be dipped into a cloning gel. You can use the rooting powder from Home Depot but you’ll have a lower success rate. I normally would rotated between Clonex and Rootech on my cloning gel. So far I haven’t find a major difference besides packaging. Dip you clone stem into the cloning gel. For this be generous when dipping clone.
Preparing your grow medium! If your using rockwool cubes you’ll want to soak them in water with a light nutrient mix. (The one I use is Oliva’s Clone Solutions ) I would PH my water between 5.8 and 6.5. Since at this stage I’m not feeding so the accuracy of my PH isn’t that important to me. I like to do a broad range and soon as I get roots I’ll dial it in. Preparing soil is a lot easier for me. I just find soil with bad drainage and use that for my clones.
When inserting your clone into it’s grow medium you’ll need to pay attention to the diagonal cuts you made. If you insert your cutting too aggressively you run risk of breaking your clone stem or wiping off all the rooting gel.
Carefully insert your clone into its grow medium and then cut half of all your leafs off. By cutting half of the leaves you’re forcing the plant to send out more roots to support the new growth. ( Remember Your not cutting your leafs completely off just in half)
Step 7. Water And Spray Twice A Day
The finish line! Once you have you clone cuttings ready to go put them into a humidity tray for about 2 weeks. Spray and water them at least twice a day to prevent your clones from drying out. At this stage you shouldn’t have to feed them for about 3 weeks. As soon as your roots start to show you’ll want to transplant them into your grow medium asap and light feed.