Learning to grow isn’t complicated but learning to grow well is the hard part. A plant will typically take 6-8 months to fully grow from seed and 4-6 months if it’s from a clone. With in that time you can grow 1 ounce or 10 pounds. Growing outdoor you can yield 3x -5x the amount of a indoor harvest with less plants. But the quality isn’t comparable majority of time to indoor of course there are few exceptional growers that can produce fire outdoor. Where you lack quality you make up for quantity. In this post I’ll be dropping a few nuggets on how to increase harvest yields without sacrificing quality.
Tip #1
Carbon dioxide(CO2) is used to make sugars for your plants.
Your light source provides the energy for photosynthesis to convert carbon dioxide (CO2) and water into sugars and oxygen. The higher the light intensity the more CO2 your plants can use/ need. Increasing harvest yields.
By using CO2 in your grow you can increase your dry weight by almost 30% if done correctly.
The Warmer Your Grow The Faster The Bag Is Depleted
The Output Can Easily Be Adjusted
Customization To The Coverage Area
Easy To Store Excess
Can Be Re purpose For Other Uses
Hella Heavy
You Need Other Components Beside The Tank ( Regulators and Tubing )
Your CO2 Will Last For About 30 Days
CO2 Sold Separately
Tip #2
Mycorrhizal Fungi
Mycorrhizae fungi has a symbiotic relationship with host plants. The fungi colonizes the root system providing increased water and nutrient absorption. In return the plant provides the fungus with sugars formed from photosynthesis.
Almost all land plants has some association with mycorrhizal fungi. By introducing it into your garden you are still within a natural process of increasing your your harvest yields.
By cutting off a lot of the under growth you’ll be increasing your light penetration tenfold. Without the excess branches your plant uses the new energy to make bigger buds and increases your harvest When doing a indoor garden you can’t compete with the sun and never will be able to. Plants outside can be extremely bushy and thick with very limited problems, but with indoor you have to worry about way more things such as humidity, air flow, mildew and many more.
Remember Mother Nature Knows Best!
Tip #4
A trellis maximizes available grow space and light penetration in your indoor garden. With a trellis you’ll be able to bend sections of your plants that grow too fast down allowing shoots that wouldn’t receive as much light to receive more light and grow faster. The idea is to create a level growing environment maximizing light and space while allow only using a few plants. Allowing you to take your grow to the next level by dramatically increasing harvest yields.
Macro Nutrients are the nutrients that your plant requires an large amount and can’t live with, if there is a minor imbalance in your soil you could potentially ruin your whole crop/ harvest. These nutrients are so import that when you buy your fertilizers they advertise the dose on the front. (NPK)