| by RoanVestment | No comments

How To Turn Growing into a Career

How To Turn Growing into a Career How To Earn A Living Growing! With the ever expanding concrete world, growing plants can be a very useful and influential career option. The world is falling short on greenery, and needs plantation in abundance. And if you love to work in the open and prefer grass and […]

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| by RoanVestment | No comments

Mobile Nutrients

Nutrients are essential for the growth of a plant, and they differ in their ability to move within the plant.

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| by RoanVestment | No comments

What’s in Liquid Karma and Why

What’s in Liquid Karma and Why Liquid Karma is a plant supplement made by Botanicare. It’s NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorous, (K)Potassium) ratio is 0.1(N) 0.1(P) 0.5(K) DIRECTIONS FOR USE:Use with every watering during the entire growth cycle. Mix well and Ph accordingly. shake well before every use. 5ml – 10ml per feeding  To use as a foliar […]

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| by RoanVestment | No comments

How To Grow Cannabis In 14 Steps

14 step process for growing cannabis. I won’t be using any fancy terms such as lumens, lux, ppm, and etc, I want to keeps this as basic as possible so any body can comprehend it.

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| by RoanVestment | No comments

Why Do Plants Need Calcium?

Plants uses calcium to strengthen cell walls, hold cells together, plants metabolism, and activates specific plant enzymes.

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