| by RoanVestment | No comments

Leachable Nutrients

During leaching, valuable plant nutrients are lost in the soil. This may sometimes change the soil structure

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| by RoanVestment | No comments

Mobile Nutrients

Nutrients are essential for the growth of a plant, and they differ in their ability to move within the plant.

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| by RoanVestment | No comments

What’s in Liquid Karma and Why

What’s in Liquid Karma and Why Liquid Karma is a plant supplement made by Botanicare. It’s NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorous, (K)Potassium) ratio is 0.1(N) 0.1(P) 0.5(K) DIRECTIONS FOR USE:Use with every watering during the entire growth cycle. Mix well and Ph accordingly. shake well before every use. 5ml – 10ml per feeding  To use as a foliar […]

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