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Why Violent Crimes Are Associated With Marijuana

Why Violent Crimes Are Associated With Marijuana

Richard T | The CBD

The Federal Government Doesn't Want Marijuana Legalized!

With all the hype around marijuana legalization and support from the States why hasn’t the Federal Government remove marijuana off  the Schedule I drug classification under the Controlled Substances Act. During Obama’s presidency the Cole Memorandum was sent to all United States Attorneys about federal prosecution of offenses related to marijuana. Obama’s administration stated that the Federal Government will not be enforcing marijuana law in States that legalized marijuana in any form. But in 2018 the Cole Memorandum was rescinded by Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

Charges For Marijuana Are Ridiculously Excessive!

A marijuana reform is far over due. Law enforcement uses marijuana’s smells and effects to violate peoples fourth amendment. Unlawful searches and seizures have resulted in people receiving heavier unjustified sentencing for marijuana related crimes. 

Issuing harsher sentences for marijuana related charges then some violent crimes. The Government may say one thing and act like they’re trying to help the people. But with an estimate of 50,000 people still incarnated for marijuana  related charges even as State legalized it says the complete opposite!

Photo by kat wilcox

Harsher Sentencing Equal More Violent Crimes!

With harsher sentencing people will start weighing their options to stay out of prison. What would you do if you knew that with just $30 worth of  marijuana you’ll get 12 years in prison like Patricia Spottedcrow? But you need marijuana for medicinal needs! The criminalization of marijuana is only creating more and more violent criminals. People are receiving harsher sentencing for marijuana then people with violate crimes. If your punishment is the same as murder or worst then the value of marijuana is going to stay high and violent crimes are going to increase. Allowing the Government to control marijuana keeps the prices on the black market high and with high prices home invasions, robberies and burglaries on the rise.  


Marijuana reform are greatly needed. If you want to know our out take of the administration change click here! The laws need to be structured in a way that law enforcement can’t violate your 4th amendment right with petty excuses like I smelled marijuana in the car/home.  The Federal Government hopefully soon will remove marijuana off  the Schedule I drug classification under the Controlled Substances Act.